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Drug Interaction Details
01. General Information
Pair Name Artesunate, Cisplatin
Phytochemical Name Artesunate (PubChem CID: 6917864 )
Anticancer drug Name Cisplatin (PubChem CID: 5702198 )
Structure of
Structure of
Anticancer Drug
02. Combinatorial Therapeutic Effect(s)
Synergistic Effect
Enhancing Drug Efficacy
Combination Pair ID: 171
Pair Name Artesunate, Cisplatin
Disease Info [ICD-11: 2C31.Z] Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma Investigative
Gene Regulation Down-regulation Expression RB1 hsa5925
Down-regulation Phosphorylation RB1 hsa5925
In Vitro Model UM-SCC-23 Laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_7733
UM-SCC-81B Tonsillar squamous cell carcinoma Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_7784
Result These results suggested that artesunate is a useful drug in combination with cisplatin.
Combination Pair ID: 674
Pair Name Artesunate, Cisplatin
Disease Info [ICD-11: 2C25] Lung cancer Investigative
Biological Phenomena Induction-->Blockade of cell cycle in G2/M phase
Gene Regulation Up-regulation Expression BAX hsa581
Down-regulation Expression BCL2 hsa596
Up-regulation Expression CASP3 hsa836
Up-regulation Expression CASP7 hsa840
Up-regulation Expression CASP9 hsa842
Down-regulation Expression CCNB1 hsa891
Up-regulation Expression CDKN1A hsa1026
Down-regulation Expression GTF2H3 hsa2967
Down-regulation Phosphorylation MAPK14 hsa1432
Down-regulation Phosphorylation MAPK3 hsa5595
Down-regulation Phosphorylation MAPK8 hsa5599
Up-regulation Expression TP53 hsa7157
In Vitro Model A-549 Lung adenocarcinoma Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_0023
In Vivo Model For a xenograft model, 1.0×10⁷/mL A-549 cell was injected into the right flanks of the five-week-old female nude mice (nu/nu) with weight of 13-16 g
Result ART exhibited significant anti-tumor effect on A549 cells and this efficiency could be enhanced by combination with CIS
Combination Pair ID: 170
Pair Name Artesunate, Cisplatin
Disease Info [ICD-11: 2C9Z] Urothelial carcinoma Investigative
Biological Phenomena Induction-->Blockade of cell cycle in G2/M phase
In Vitro Model HT-1376 Bladder carcinoma Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_1292
BFTC-909 Renal pelvis urothelial carcinoma Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_1084
Result Artesunate Exhibits Synergy With Cisplatin and Cytotoxicity for Upper Tract and Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma Cells
03. Reference
No. Title Href
1 Artesunate and cisplatin synergistically inhibit HNSCC cell growth and promote apoptosis with artesunate‑induced decreases in Rb and phosphorylated Rb levels. Oncol Rep. 2023 Aug;50(2):154. doi: 10.3892/or.2023.8591. Click
2 Artesunate exhibits synergistic anti-cancer effects with cisplatin on lung cancer A549 cells by inhibiting MAPK pathway. Gene. 2021 Jan 15;766:145134. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2020.145134. Click
3 Artesunate Exhibits Synergy With Cisplatin and Cytotoxicity for Upper Tract and Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma Cells. Anticancer Res. 2023 Mar;43(3):1175-1184. doi: 10.21873/anticanres.16263. Click
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